Do You Have the Right Personality to Be in Insurance Sales Business?

Insurance is a tough business, as many as 90% of insurance agents quit the business within 3 years after joining the industry. While some agents make lucrative income in insurance business, many other find being insurance agents is never easy, there are always rejection, dejection and abjection.

There may be circumstantial factors that lead to the exit of some agents, a number of agents who quit the business probably feel that they are not suitable for the business. They may even wonder if it has anything to do with their personality.

Is there such thing as the right personality to be insurance agent? Do you need to possess the right personality traits to succeed in insurance business?

Let’s take a look at different types of personality. There are many personality models. One of the popular models is DISC Profiling Model designed by John Geier based on the work of William Moulton Marston. In this model, there are four observable personality styles, namely:

Dominance – relating to control, power and assertiveness

Influence – relating to social situations and communication

Steadiness – relating to patience, persistence, and thoughtfulness

Compliance – relating to structure and organization

So, people of which personality type are most suitable to be in sales profession?

Generally, salespeople are required to see people, get to know them, build rapport and persuade them to take action.

It is always believed that people with high Influence styles are born salespeople since they are good communicators. They are in their element when they are in sales business.

Salespeople of high Influence styles are friendly, upbeat, enthusistic and outgoing. Being good chatters, they always like to be the ones initiating a conversation. They love to mingle with people and are good in using humor to improve relationships. They know a lot of people and have wide social network. These are the qualities that make them natural salespeople.

Does that mean other personality types are less capable to be outstanding sales producers?

In actual fact, all personality types have their unique strengths to do well in sales business.

Salespeople with high Dominance styles are determined, ambitious and aggressive. Success has a special meaning in them. Being challenge lovers, they like to raise the bar and set high standard.

Their job is to win and they will not be contented with mediocre achievement. They can be extremely hard working to ensure they stay ahead of their competitors. To them, failure is not an option.

Insurance producers with high Compliance styles excel in sales business by diligently following through sales systems and processes. They are also good at organizing work in a systematic manner.

They value accuracy and pay attention to details. They do quality work and deliver quality results by staying focus and demonstrating high degree of commitment and professionalism.

Insurance salespeople with high Steadiness can connect with people easily. Being patient and caring, they are able to empathize with the customers. This helps them understand the needs of the customers better.

Regardless of which personality you belong to, you can be equally successful in insurance sales business. Discover the strengths in your personality traits and capitalize on them. At the end of the day, it is you who shape your own destiny.

Source by Xoseph Chu

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