Fat Activists Are Dying | Health at Every size Proven Wrong Again

Fat activism social movement which seeks to eliminate the social stigma of fatness from social attitudes by pointing out the social obstacles which are faced by fat people to the general public. It has evolved into spreading the thought that obesity is not as bad as science has proven, there are no negative effects of being bigger, obese people can do what slim people can do, there’s no difference between foods like a burger from McDonalds and a plate of grilled chicken and veggies, it’s all the same. Health at every size has been increasing in popularity and fat tiktokers and fat activists everywhere are dancing (well the ones that can move) and celebrating their fatness along with the discovery of health at every size because they are no longer held under the thumb of this thing called health.

What you will notice though is that many of the fat activists saying they feel great and their weight is not holding them back are quite young. Why? Because the older fat activists don’t feel great or they’re de*d. Recently there has been an increase of older fat activists who promoted health at every size and every body is beautiful are dying from heart complications.

Grab a donut!




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