Fuel Credit Cards – Which Credit Cards Are the Best to Save You Money on Fuel?

Fuel credit cards are excellent cards to have, particularly nowadays, as they offer you rewards points on gas with every purchase you make. Obviously, as gas prices soar into the stratosphere, you want to be able to get all the free gas you can get.

The best thing about them is that you are essentially getting free gas, because you are spending money you would be spending otherwise, but now are getting gas rebates in the process. As long as you don’t spend more than you need to solely to save on gas (which would defeat the purpose) then these are great cards to get.

Keep in mind that there are two different varieties of fuel credit cards available. The first kind is one where you only get credit on specific gas companies, and you can often times find these being sold at the station itself.

This kind of credit card is much simpler to find than your regular one, as you can’t use them for purchases other than gas, and then only at that one company.

Obviously, this kind isn’t ideal, but is still better than not getting any rebate at all. However, the second kind is the credit card you should be looking to get, and that is the credit card that is not associated with any particular company, and you can use them at any gas station you want.

So what kind of rates are we talking about here when it comes to fuel credit cards? Generally, you will be getting around three to five cents off on fuel for every dollar you spend. Doesn’t sound worth it? What if you are buying a one thousand dollar TV, or a high end purchase you just can’t do without?

Even smaller items purchased frequently can really add up, and you’d be surprised how much just one trip to the grocery store can save you on gas.

One thing to keep in mind about fuel credit cards is that you generally have to have excellent credit in order to find these (particularly the second kind) as credit card companies won’t give them out to just anybody.

Credit cards with rewards points are something that all too few consumers take advantage of, and if your credit is high enough, then by all means, get one of these cards as fast as possible.

As long as you aren’t going out of your way to make unnecessary purchases just to save money on gas, these are definitely worth it. hopefully this info will help you find the top fuel credit cards quickly.

Source by William Perry

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