Habitational Insurance for Commercial Vs Residential Property

Multiple residence property owners have the daunting task of monitoring and satisfying the needs of a number of tenants. This comes with a slew of specialized risk management concern as well. Ownership of residential properties such as apartments, condominiums, and student housing creates a series of unique risks. As such, some research may be in order to procure the appropriate insurance for the properties being managed. Because different types of properties have different types of exposures, ensuring adequate limits and proper coverage can be challenging.

In addition, there may also be a need to keep track of multiple projects and policy expiration dates, which can be extremely overwhelming. That’s why it’s important to have a specialist to aid in finding the right types and amounts of insurance.

The basic insurance needs for anyone owning Habitational properties is general liability coverage, in case of tenant injury or losses caused by: fire, wind, storms, theft, and malicious damage or vandalism by the dwelling’s tenants. Additionally, depending on the location, flood insurance is recommended. A well-crafted Habitational and commercial property insurance policy can protect in light of any or all of these risks.

Who should have property management insurance coverage?

Anyone involved in any of the following activities should speak to an expert who understands the unique insurance needs of property managers:

Renting or leasing real estate to others

Managing real estate for others

Selling, buying or renting real estate for others

Commercial properties carry some of the same risk factors as residential properties

If you are a real estate investor, but choose to focus on commercial properties rather than residential properties, you also need properly secured Habitational and commercial property insurance policy that is designed accordingly. Just like residential property, general liability and catastrophic event coverage should be purchased. However, when it comes to commercial property, you need to also look at carrying environmental and/or pollution coverage, commercial automobile coverage, or worker’s compensation coverage.

Whether the owner of only residential property, only commercial property, or some of each, working with a professional  Habitational and commercial property insurance provider to create policies that will cover all areas of risk is sound management. Such professionals can advise as to what coverage options are available, standard limits, and a variety of unique ways in which this coverage can best protect the properties based on its use and location.

The basic insurance needs for anyone owning Habitational properties is general liability coverage, in case of tenant injury or losses caused by: fire, wind, storms, theft, and malicious damage or vandalism by the dwelling’s tenants. Additionally, depending on the location, flood insurance is recommended. A well-crafted Habitational and commercial property insurance policy can protect in light of any or all of these risks.

Source by William A Riggs

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