Harm Reduction Beyond Public Health

Ruth Dreifuss, the former president of Switzerland made a speech at the opening session of the International Harm Reduction Conference. She spoke about the need to have a more comprehensive understanding of harm reduction that goes beyond the traditional public health definition of this term. “Time has come to a broader understanding of harms produced by the moralistic condemnation of activities which do not harm others,” said Ms. Dreifuss. The pursuit of the dream of a drug-free society leads to executions, murders, mass imprisonment and other human rights abuses – we cannot ignore the broader, international context of drug policy related harms.

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A Drogriportert üzemeltető Jogriporter Alapítvány közhasznú tevékenységet folytat, az állam vagy politikai pártok támogatása nélkül. Ha szeretnéd, hogy a jövőben is legyen egy józan hang a drogpolitika terén, kérjük támogasd munkánkat és legyél pártolüó tagunk itt: https://drogriporter.hu/tamogass/


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