Having a credit card is almost a must these days. You need them to book a hotel, rent a car, or make purchases online. “Having credit cards is smart if used properly, related to building a good credit score.” says Christopher Viale, board chairman of the Association of Independent Consumer Credit Counseling Agencies. Viale also warns that, “The pitfalls of using credit cards, not just for the purpose of building your credit profile, obviously involves the temptation for overspending.” Obviously overspending could lead to debt and possible damage to credit scores. Here are five signs that your cards have stopped being a tool to build credit or an asset in accumulating points and rewards but an instrument of debt.
If you find yourself continually robbing Peter to pay Paul, but Peter and Paul still want to be paid, then you probably need to find a way to satisfy both of them and get them off your back. Finding an experienced attorney is important in helping develop a game plan to deal with your credit card debt.
Liz Lange, entrepreneur and CEO of women's fashion line Figue, welcomes us inside one of…
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A settlement plan is like a rock band. A rock band needs a solid bass.…