privatized healthcare

Watch this doctor react to Ford's health care announcement

Dr. Allan Grill reacts to the Ontario government's new scheme to integrate private clinics into the health-care system. Subscribe to…

2 years ago

Canada's health care: Ford's plan ignoring root causes of crisis | CTV National News

Heather Wright reports on critics saying Ontario Premier Doug Ford's plan to fix the health-care crisis is ignoring root causes.…

2 years ago

Ford questioned over plan to fund for-profit clinics to address health-care crisis

Ont. Premier Doug Ford says that private clinics will remain involved in the health-care system even once the surgical backlog…

2 years ago

Growing fears that privatized health-care coming to Ontario

Siobhan Morris has the latest on the growing concern in Ontario that Doug Ford will bring in more private providers…

2 years ago

Would you pay for faster health care? | Quick Question

Could more privatization help or hurt Canada’s health-care system? We ask Canadians if they would be willing to pay more…

2 years ago