What The Health exposes the collusion and corruption in government and big business that is costing us trillions of healthcare…
Dalam konteks filosofi, veganisme merupakan gaya hidup yang menolak segala bentuk eksploitasi terhadap hewan. Namun pada praktiknya, istilah tersebut kerap…
During a recent plant-based physician conference, we asked several medical doctors about the leading sources of health / medical misinformation…
Trying to keep these videos educational as well as light hearted - as humour is medicine just as much as…
https://amzn.to/3vEB307 What the Health is a 2017 documentary film that critiques the health impact of meat, fish, eggs, and dairy…
What the Health es un documental de 2017 que critica el impacto en la salud del consumo de carne y…