With the rising costs of transportation, energy, building facilities, and maintaining offices, it is only logical that online businesses and services will thrive. Why drive to the video store, when you can watch a movie with a streaming movie service? Why drive to a piano teacher’s house, when you can stream a class over the computer? With the growing demand on our everyday lives, one of the best things we can do is make things easier and while enhancing quality. Being able to stream services to you over the internet will save you money, time, and resources; something we could all use more of.
Is it Really True that Traditional Face-to-Face Lessons are Superior to Online Lessons?
One of the main arguments against online learning is that it can’t compete with and is flawed when compared with traditional face to face learning. I understand this argument, since I have a few piano students who aren’t focused enough to learn the material without me there to instruct them. However, some like to learn on their own, teach their own children, and do things on their own accord. Online classes are perfect as a supplementary tool for parents wishing to teach their own children music. In addition, it is important to note that online classes can also supplement public school education as well. Online classes and traditional learning don’t need to be enemies and can complement each other if done right.
Benefits of Online Learning
Among the great benefits of online education is the ability to review content over and over. The human mind has a tendency to drift in and out of focus, which makes it hard to retain all of the information in a traditional class. With online learning, materials can be reviewed multiple times to reinforce concepts. Also worth mentioning is the amount and variety of learning tools available to online learning. You can look up videos, information, and applications to assist your understanding of a concept. You can even learn from a wide variety of sources to gain different perspectives on topics relevant to your study. Of course, online learning offers some the opportunity to learn who would not otherwise have that opportunity. Lastly, as stated in the opening paragraph; online learning is convenient, easy, and more cost effective.
Will Online Classes Replace Traditional Learning?
It’s impossible to know what the future holds. However, I don’t see online learning completely replacing traditional classrooms. I do believe that online learning will continue to grow and become more commonplace in the future. The amount of resources and technology used in online learning will continue to grow. Turning to online solutions education will continue to offer a great opportunity to pursue areas of study without having to leave your house.
Feel free to visit http://www.LessonsOnTheWeb.com for online music classes.
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