Health Optimization with the GI-MAP® | Part Two of a Four-Part Series – From fatigue to skin rashes to back pain and constipation, most patients suffering from significant parasitic infections have complex symptoms that may be confusing at first glance. In this webinar, Dr. Dan Kalish discusses his experience treating patients with parasitic infections, and the role qPCR stool testing using the GI-MAP stool test plays in identifying and quantifying infections.
Dr. Kalish also:
–Reviews which patients should be evaluated for parasitic infections
–Helps you understand the work you need to do prior to treating parasites to ensure success
–Explores the connection between parasites and immune health, stress, and the ways parasites can trigger other problems in the body
Presented by Dan Kalish, DC, IFMCP
Dr. Daniel Kalish is dedicated to teaching doctors Functional Medicine philosophy and practices. Through The Kalish Institute’s educational programs he has trained over 1,000 practitioners worldwide in The Kalish Method which solves patient challenges through a proven lab based approach.
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